The music on the album Tick Tock reflects the differences in tastes and styles of the JazzProfilactika Quartet. To guarantee a perfect mix all band members participated in the composing of each track. The result: an album with a variety of stories and moods.
Why is the album called Tick Tock? The production process of the album took longer then initially imagined. This was in the first place due to the creative production methods they chose, as well as several personal circumstances among which the passing of Ivan Boyadzhiev, their close friend and the initial sound engineer and recording studio owner for this album. Time is relative … some friendships absolute.
This album is dedicated to Ivan Boyadzhiev.
About track 1: “CALLE DE CUBO”
The first track of the album refers to Cubo (beach) bar where it all started (2008), the first “stage” JazzProfilactika took. It became the “residence” of the JazzProfilactika DJs (and still often is on Wednesdays and Sundays).
About track 9: “POD RACE”
Musically Pod Race was inspired by Miles Davis’ Bitches Brew Sessions. Obviously Pod Race isn’t near the greatness of the Bitches Brew sessions, but an attempt was made to “capture” its atmosphere and give it a “modern” twist. This include the instrument “placement” in the stereo image of the track. The title of the track refers to the Pod Race in Star Wars, one of the favorite films of one of the band members.
NOTE: make sure you use a player that can play audio at high resolution, check / adjust the settings to play at 48kHz-24bit. By default a Mac (iTunes) uses 44kHz/16bit for output. That means all your high resolution music files are being down sampled to CD quality (44kHz/16bit). You can prevent that by adjusting the sampling and bit rate in the MIDI app. Or you could use an app like Bitperfect to automatically adjust it. Read more about it >
For all other listeners or users of devices that do not support High Definition Audio:
Jivko Marinov “DJ Jijo” (turntables / scratching, beat & bass programming), Roelant Hollander (saxophones, beat & bass programming, sampling), Neyko Bodurov (trumpet), Tsvetan Momchilov (keys & French horn).
All music composed by: Neyko Bodurov / Tsvetan Momchilov / Roelant Hollander / Jivko Marinov.
Cover design: Vagelis Phocas.
- The voice samples used in “One Cylinder” were cut from the concert-workshop “What is Jazz?” by pianist Billy Taylor.
- The voice samples used in “Calle de Cubo” were cut from the Documentary “Calle 54“.
Recorded by Ivan Boyadzhiev & Roelant Hollander.
Edited and mixed by Roelant Hollander.
Audiophile Analog Mastered by Angelos Stoumpos (Timewarp).
Produced by JazzProfilactika & Ivan Boyadzhiev.
- The Neumann M 149 Tube microphone and the Millennia STT-1 Origin Twin Topology tube pre-amp were used for the recording of all acoustic instruments played on the album. All music was recorded and mixed with Pro Tools HD 9/10 at sample rate 48kHz at 32bit (float).
- The recordings were converted (to Concert Pitch 432Hz) with the 432EVO before mixing and mastering. For more information about the A4=432Hz pitch change, continue reading here > 432.
- The Manley Mastering Massive Passive and the Manley Stereo Variable MU Limiter Compressor were used for the mastering.
Release Date: October 30, 2017
Label: Timewarp Music
Catalogue No: TMDG 165
Number of tracks: 9
Total duration: 01:02:10
Roel Hollander made some concept art works for the album, but these were not used for the release.